【FOCUS】Developing Sustainable Economy and Creating Jobs
Economic growth is a solution to unemployment problems. But whether economic growth can lead to more jobs is closely related to economic growth models, industrial structure, and human resource development and utilization. UN Sustainable Development Goal 8 encourages that “promote sustainable economic growth, ensure comprehensive and productive employment, and decent jobs for all". This week's In Focus, we will introduce five initiatives of urban innovation that promoting sustainable economic growth and creating more jobs.
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Creative Horizon
The Centro-Lagoinha neighbourhood, in the city of Belo Horizonte, currently faces challenges associated with marginalization, chemical abuse, homelessness, public safety, urban mismatch and isolation. To address this, the city administration is implementing a creative economy model to revitalize the area. The project’s main goal is to identify opportunities to develop and implement activities with cultural, creative and intellectual capital that will attract new investment and businesses to the neighbourhood and simultaneously promote socio-productive inclusion. This will combat poverty and promote effective economic inclusion through the generation of employment for local residents and foster social inclusion by providing access to health education, housing, transport, food, leisure and wellbeing services and activities.
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Kurashiki, Japan
Data Eye
The project consists of various elements starting with the development of a data portal site, Data Eye, as part of open data engagement, including implementation of an IoT-based people-flow analysis project, an AI application development project, events and seminars utilising regional data, and human resource development in the data utilisation area. The City set the project objective as re-vitalising the region using data utilisation activities through collaborations between public and private sectors of the local community. Based on the project, the City aims to make data service businesses that engage in data collection and analysis activities a new core industry of the city. The aim of this project is to create a local source of food to communities and the technology which enables them to cultivate crops indigenous to their diets.
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Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom
BEACH - online employability advice
BEACH is the go-to place for employability advice in Brighton & Hove targeting young people who have also been the driving force behind the service from the outset. The city brought together a group of school students to discuss employability skills, employers’ expectations and barriers to getting a job, and as a result produced a short film. The students then interviewed potential employers around Brighton & Hove to explore employment opportunities and ways to increase their chances of getting a job. All this culminated in a collection of film clips, accessible advice and information available on the BEACH website, which is targeted at students but also used by parents and as a resource for teachers.
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Bogotá, Colombia
District Marketplace Management and Administration Model
Marketplaces are traditional spaces for commercialization, fulfilling an essential role in the city's food supply chain while providing citizens with a cultural experience. The District Institute for the Social Economy (IPES) of Bogota designed and implemented a management and administration model to revitalize the 19 district marketplaces in the city.
The model has consolidated as an effective instrument for revitalizing and positioning the markets through:
- the transformation of commercial and marketing practices that strengthen the potential of each marketplace,
- the promotion of association, healthy coexistence, business culture and the empowerment of merchants,
- the improvement of the quality of life of merchants and citizens, and an increased share of the food supply market and other value chains like gastronomy and tourism.
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Medellín, Colombia
Medellín’s Metrocable
In 2004, the City of Medellín opened the first cable propelled transit (CPT) line as part of the integrated urban development programme. The CPT lines directly connect to stations on the central metro line of Medellín and provide residents with increased opportunities to employment, education and social activities. Together with interventions to upgrade infrastructure and services for these neighbourhoods, the government is reducing the marginalization of these communities. Moreover, the project has provided for investments in a public library, kindergartens, public space and sports facilities.
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Urban Innovation in China | Revitalizing Villages in the Cities While Retaining Their “Patch” Functions