Release of Shortlist for 2018 Guangzhou Award
313 submission from 213 cities /local governments of 70 countries / regions. These are the figures of the 2018 Guangzhou Award. However, only 15 cities / local governments get to present before the Jury how they implement the Global Goals.
Join us at the UCLG ASPAC Congress and find out who gets shortlisted into the final round. The announcement is followed by a preliminary analysis of the 15 shortlisted initiatives and in-depth discussion on lessons learned from innovative urban practices. The analysis will be presented by experts who just completed the work of the Technical Committee (TC) for the Award the day before. The in-depth discussion will involve representatives of local authorities, experts, international organizations, members of civil society and the private sector, with ample time for Q & A.
Time: 14:00-17:00, 12 September, 2018
Venue: Hall B1, Dyandra Convention Center
United Cities and Local Governments
World Association of the Major Metropolises
City of Guangzhou
with the support of
University of 17 Augustus 1945 Surabaya (UNTAG)
Guangdong Asia-Pacific Innovation Economic Research Institute (APER)
Guangzhou Institute for Urban Innovation (GIUI)
PART I: Release of shortlist Moderator: Manhe Ma, Deputy Director General, Foreign Affairs Office, Guangzhou Municipal People’s Governemnts | |
14:00-14:15 | Welcoming remarks
14:15-14:30 | Technical Committee appointment ceremony |
14:30-15:10 | Release and presentation of shortlisted cities / local governments for the 2018 Guangzhou Award TC members |
15:10-15:25 | Q & A |
15:25-15:30 | Conclusion |
Networking break (15mins) | |
PART II: Panel discussion: Looking Back and Forward – Urban Innovation around the Globe Moderator: Nicholas You, Director, Global Partners and Programs, GIUI | |
15:45-15:50 | Introduction |
15:50-16:30 | Panel discussion
16:30-16:55 | Q & A |
16:55-17:00 | Conclusion |
In focus | Revitalizing Urban Appeal: Illuminating Life with Landscapes
Lessons from Ecuador: How developing countries can raise crucial finance for sustainable urban development
Urban Innovation in China | Revitalizing Villages in the Cities While Retaining Their “Patch” Functions
Urban Innovation in China | Revitalizing Villages in the Cities While Retaining Their “Patch” Functions