Inclusive City
There are various interpretations of "inclusion", and therefore there will be different definitions of an inclusive city. The sustainable development goal of "leaving no one behind" aptly sums it up. An inclusive city is one that every individual in the society can participate in the planning process, access quality public services, and benefit from the city's prosperity.
Barcelona, Spain
Vincles BCN
Vincles BCN is a social innovation project designed to strengthen the social ties of elderly people who feel lonely and to improve their well-being with the aid of new technologies. The project was created to respond to an ever-increasing need: attending to elderly people in a situation of isolation in Barcelona...(read the full story)
Cape Town, South Africa
Cape Town undertakes controversial experiment to bring affordable housing to the city center
For the first time, local officials are using a prime chunk of city land to entice developers to build affordable housing in the central business district. This is the first iteration of a public-private partnership model that the city intends to replicate elsewhere as part of a broad attempt to help change the city's spatial makeup and bend the arc of a type of marginalization that remains decades after the end of apartheid...(read the full story)
Dehli, India
This street art foundation is transforming India's urban landscape—with the government's support
Essentially, St+Art started around 2014, with twin intents: to make public spaces more vibrant and interactive for the people who use them the most, and to make art more democratic as a medium...(read the full story)
Quito, Ecuador
Sustainable Agriculture with Gender Inclusion and Participation
Green infrastructure and nature-based solutions are key to the City´s mitigation and adaptation strategies for securing the provision of ecosystem services. One such solution is the project Sustainable Agriculture with Gender Inclusion and Participation in Quito, which is run by the city to improve food security, urban agro-ecology, climate change adaptation, and nutrition...(read the full story)
Santa Monica, USA
Downtown Santa Monica Goes Digital in Community Outreach Effort
Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. wants to know what you love — and what you don't — about the beachside city's thriving urban core. To that end, the nonprofit that manages Santa Monica's downtown area is employing a new digital tool, CitySwipe, that lets users swipe left or swipe right (ala dating apps like Tinder) to weigh in on their favourites about Downtown Santa Monica...(read the full story)
Initiatives from the Guangzhou Award |
Berlin, Germany
m4guide – Mobile Multi-Modal Mobility Guide
All people will be able to use the navigation system if visually-challenged people are able to use it. That’s what Berlin set out to do with m4guide: developing a navigation system for all – starting with the blind and visually impaired...(read the full story)
Caracas, Venezuela
Cultural, Recreational, Educational and Empowering Network Centres for Vulnerable and Low-income People
Cites are sometimes negligent of the shanty towns left behind in their pursuit of prosperity. However, people living in these areas are the most vulnerable groups in the society. To help them live a more decent life, Caracas established metropolitan network centres that aim to improve the liveability in informal settlements…(read the full story)
Kfar Saba, Israel
The Unit of Community Services for People with Special Needs
They are experiencing something that ordinary people not, but they do have the same appeal for integrating into the community. Kfar Saba developed solutions for people with special needs and their families, helping them build up professional capacity and gain physical training...(read the full story)
Qalyubeya, Egypt
Integrated Community Based Solid Waste Management
Formalization of solid waste collection usually means taking away the jobs – and the meagre means of livelihood – from informal collectors. However, Qalyubeya worked out an alternative solution to integrate these two seemingly conflicting aspects... (reas the full story)
Songpa, South Korea
Songpa Solar Nanum (Sharing) Power Plant
Songpa’s Solar Nanum Power Plant is not only an effort to transform to cleaner energy use but also a practice of care for the energy-poor. This South Korean district of Seoul is using part of the profits to add extra plants. And part of the profits is donated to people that lack access to energy at home and abroad in underdeveloped countries…(read the full story)
In focus | Revitalizing Urban Appeal: Illuminating Life with Landscapes
Lessons from Ecuador: How developing countries can raise crucial finance for sustainable urban development
Urban Innovation in China | Revitalizing Villages in the Cities While Retaining Their “Patch” Functions
Urban Innovation in China | Revitalizing Villages in the Cities While Retaining Their “Patch” Functions