Halandri, Greece

2023-09-21 10:02:10

Cultural H.ID.RA.N.T. (Cultural Hidden IDentities ReAppear through Networks of Water) --  Ancient engineering of sustainable water management meets urban innovation through citizens’ participation

Basic Data

Population size: 77,108
Population Growth Rate(%): 3.80
Surface Area (sq.km): 10805
Population Density (people/sq.km): 7140
GDP Per Capita (U.S.$): 
GINI Index: 
Main Source of Prosperity: Service and leisure industries

This initiative aims to activate local hidden heritage and resources in order to enhance citizens’ well-being. It focuses on the re-introduction of the Hadrians aqueduct, a subterranean Roman-times infrastructure, into city life beyond the usual “sightseeing” offer to demonstrate and communicate its cultural heritage and ancient technical approaches alongside its role as a historic monument, contemporary landmark, unexploited water resource and piece of urban infrastructure. 

Along with the repositioning of the aqueduct, the initiative promotes green urban policies and sustainable water management. It creates new quality green public spaces by regenerating four Halandri neighborhoods, while the aqueduct, which is still operational, is re-utilized for irrigation purposes, thus replacing the use of potable water that was used before.

Through participatory and inclusive processes, Halandri communities are revitalized by becoming active around heritage, and the local economy is strengthened via endogenous and resilient development rather than relying on tourism, which puts pressure on the city’s resources and jeopardizes a sense of community and belonging.