Special feature for Urban Innovation Workshop: Interdepartmental Collaboration and Urban Governance

2018-02-07 09:59:42

On May 21, 2015, the Urban Innovation Workshop:Interdepartmental Collaboration and Urban Governance will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Co-organized by Guangzhou Institute for Urban Innovation, UCLG Community on Urban Innovation, Secretariat of Guangzhou International Award for Urban Innovation and the Municipal Government of Buenos Aires, this event is to discuss the theories and methodologies in urban governance and to share the ideas and practices in this regard.

Under the theme of "Interdepartmental Collaboration and Urban  Governance", this special selected out four most representative Guangzhou Award initiatives to share with global cities. "Collaborative Roundtable for Innovation and Creativity" of Buenos Aires explores new ways in interdepartmental collaboration; "Johannesburg Cities Mentorship Program" of Lilongwe exemplifies how the cooperation between cities can benefit urban governance and sustainable development; Rio de Janeiro's world leading  "Emergency Control Center" facilitates interdepartmental collaboration and communication, enables the municipal administration to play a better role and  shelter the city from risks; Gwangju's "GHGs Emission Program in Household Carbon Bank", initiated by the Municipality and co-hosted by related departments and organizations, engages the city dwellers to effectively reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.  

Cases of Interdepartmental Collaboration and Urban Governance:

Buenos Aires City's Collaborative Roundtable for Innovation and Creativity

Rio de Janeiro: A World Leading Emergency Control Center

Gwangju GHGs Emission Program and Household Carbon Bank

Lilongwe: Johannesburg Cities Mentorship Program