Technical Committee Members of the 2nd Guangzhou Award

2014-09-29 00:00:00

1. Mr. Qiu Baoxing , Chair of TC

Former Deputy Minister of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China (MOHURD)

Members (in alphabetical order):

2. Ms. Sue Brownill

Reader in Urban Policy and Management Department of Planning, Oxford Brookes University

3. Mr. Zengke He

Deputy Director of National Research Center of Innovation, Peking University; Doctorate in Political Science

4. Mr. Eric Huybrechts

Responsible for International Affairs at the Regional planning agency of Paris/Ile de France region (IAU-IDF)

5. Ms. Fernanda Magalhaes

Senior Urban Specialist of Inter-American Development Bank

6. Mr. Neal Peirce  (January 5, 1932 - December 27, 2019)

Founder of Citiscope (Global news site on innovation in cities), Editor and Writer

7. Mr. Vidhyandika Perkasa

Senior Researcher of Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

8. Mr. Stefan Schurig

Director Climate Energy at the World Future Council

9. Ms. Wandia Seaforth

Former Chief of Best Practices Programme of the UN-Habitat

10. Ms. Geci Karuri-Sebina

Executive Manager of South African Cities Network

11. Ms. Azza Sirry

Director of UTI at Housing and Building National Research Center, Professor of Urban Planning